Electronic Body Music – The Book

Oktober 10, 2024
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A Scene

a Family

"It's well known that the EBM scene is more than just a loose group of fans randomly listening to the same music. You can discover the magic that holds this scene together in 600 pages"

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You can read the story of The-E-Blog in the book, but an important part of the story is the heart. This magic, which we call family, can unfold so much power that it sometimes seems a bit creepy. A heavy part of this magic is  Yuma Hampejs and Marcel Schulze for me. I had the privilege of following the idea for the book EBM from the very beginning. The magical moment when the German edition of the book saw the light of day, and once again when the English edition conquered the world.

In both projects, as well as in earlier ones, it was a pleasure to work with the two of them. It was never about sales numbers or fame. No, not for a single moment. From the very beginning, it was about creating a cohesive, good book that includes much of the scene and family, giving many bands and artists a voice. It provides a space for scene people, radios, and magazines to celebrate a genre that is truly unique. Alongside sharing a wealth of history and knowledge, it also conveys the flair and attitude.

I never thought or dreamed that my website would become so well-known. The-E-Blog is a hobby, without any financial income. Sometimes fans can support me via PayPal so that nearly 20K pictures stay online and, most importantly, free from ads. It’s just a project filled with endless heart, as I do everything myself, from the website to the photos. A little over a year ago, Yuma approached me and asked for material for the English book, and more and more band names were coming in via WhatsApp. During a conversation, she casually revealed to me that I would have about 30% of the pictures in the book. SHOCK! Me? My little E-Blog? How?

I just tried to create a website about the scene, write reviews of albums, and introduce newcomers or unknown artists. Later, I caught the fever for live photography a bit. The whole project is from a fan for you fans out there. Being able to accompany the heart of the scene here at the EBM Familientreffen is a dream that began with unforgettable nights with Electric Tremor Dessau.  Also, Daniel Buff's event series Summer Stomp and Winter Stomp, which became known as the little “Familientreffen” in Kassel. Nights created by a fan for us fans in a do-it-yourself flair. For these nights, you burn the midnight oil, editing hundreds of photos, writing reports about the concerts. I just love it!  That my pictures on Flickr have reached over a million views is completely crazy, but that´s what happened.

When I look at old photos of my work or older versions of my website, everything sometimes feels so surreal. I am incredibly proud to be part of this book, part of this family.

This book captures all of that flair, that attitude, that sense of family. What defines us? What connects people in this way? Who are we? I know of nothing more comprehensive, that not only represents the past but also so much of the present scene.

It is besteller of the week at POPoNaut wich is a blast.  Get your Copy! Find yourself somewhere on 600 pages, find your youth, find the current scene that still lives EBM to this day. You can find a small sample and unboxing directly below the post.


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